Tree Help Directory, Palm Tree Advice

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Palm Tree Care and Common and Scientific Names
Care And Common Names
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Dypsis decipiens
There are 29 images for Dypsis decipiens
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Other Images for Dypsis decipiens:
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens
Dypsis decipiens, colored
Dypsis decipiens, crown
Dypsis decipiens, trunk detail
Dypsis decipiens in habitat, Madagasar, photo by MR
Dypsis decipiens Madagascar, photo by MR
Dypsis decipiens habitat, photo by MR
Dypsis decipiens, juvenile, habitat, photo by TM
Dypsis decipiens, juvenile, habitat, photo by TM
Dypsis decipiens, habitat, photo by TM
Dypsis decipiens super red, Darian Garden Vista CA
Dypsis decipiens super red Darian Garden
Dypsis decipiens super red Darian Garden Vista CA
Dypsis decipiens super red, garden Mardy Darian
Dypsis decipiens Encintias, CA
Photo of Dypsis decipiens


Dypsis decipiens

Common Names:

Manambe palm




Madagascar Island

Cold Hardiness:

18ยบ F.

Trunk Type:

This palm has a large, swollen gray woody trunk

Leaf Type:

This palm has arching, blue, pinnate leaves


This palm can be both solitary or suckering


This palm is easy to grow

Speed of growth:

It is a slow grower


10-15 feet approximately

Soil requirements:

Likes a rich sandy soil that drains quickly

Sun requirements:

This palm will want full sun in most areas

General Description:

This is a beautiful, slow growing palm. It can be solitary, but tends to make basal suckers (few). It is a easy grow for most areas if you give this palm heat and sun. This palm is slow to form trunk, but is worth the wait.

Further Data:

If this palm interests you you may be interested in Dypsis decaryi, Dypsis onilahensis, Butia capitata or Pseudophoenix sargentii.

Palm For Sale/Availability for


The following is a listing of palms recently in stock, but availability changes quite quickly.  We apologize if we run out of the size you want. We are always open Monday - Saturday, 9 AM to 4 PM excluding major Holidays or very inclement weather.  For mail orders, please contact us at 619 291 4605.  We do not ship internationally.  Thank you for your interest.
- Phil Bergman, Owner

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Dypsis decipiens


Dypsis decipiens super red


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