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HILDAE UNDERSTORY CYCAD GROUPING OF LEAFLETS CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 6.5 x 8 inches PRESENCE OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: Understory semi-dwarf cycad with grouping of leaflets. Rarely is it over six feet tall. This is about as large as the caudex gets and is coning sized. Regular Price: $900 |
CERATOZAMIA ROBUSTA LARGE CYCAD WITH UPRIGHT LEAVES MALE IN CONE CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 8.5 x 9 inches PRESENCE OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: Understory larger species with upright leaves and prickly stems. Prefers understory conditions and is one of the larger species of this genus. Regular Price: $900 |
CYCAS SPECIES DUG WITH ROOTBALL NOT THE BIGGEST OF THE COLLECTION BUT SHOULD BE NICE CONTAINER SIZE: 7 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 5 x 10 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: rare COMMENTS: Opposed to the large selection of Cycas below, this plant was dug with a rootball. It's a nice starter plant for the garden. We got good roots and it should be a medium sized plant with upright green leaves. Unfortunately, we don't have the species identified as of yet. Regular Price: $175 |
CYCAS SPECIES ASSORTED SPECIES ROOTING OUT ABOUT 25 PLANTS TO SELECT FROM MANY MONSTER SIZED! CONTAINER SIZE: Assorted CAUDEX SIZE: various, some up to almost six feet of trunk OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: Shown here is an assortment of both Cycas species and trunk sizes. Included species included Cycas media, circinalis, thouarsii and others. There are no Sago Palms. Some Cycas species are difficult to re-root when dug. After researching it, we decided to cut the trunks at ground level and re-root them in cycad mix. All leaves were removed to prevent desiccation. Sizes range from under a foot to six feet. We won't be able to accurately ID the species until they leaf out - probably in the spring. But, we'll offer a great discount now if you want to take the risk. Regular Price: Various, inquire - from $75 to $1200 |
ENCEPHALARTOS ALTENSTEINII VERY LARGE SPECIMEN FEMALE IN CONE CONTAINER SIZE: 36 inch box CAUDEX SIZE: 20.5 x 42 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This South African green cycad is native to the Eastern Cape and Natal regions. It makes a very large plant. Trunks can get to twenty feet. Leaves are green and the petiole adjacent to the trunk is free of prickles. It's a good grower and loves coastal sun. Regular Price: $6250 |
ENCEPHALARTOS ARENARIUS BLUE HUGE SPECIMEN MALE PLANT BLUE TO BLUE GREEN LEAVES CONTAINER SIZE: 36 inch box CAUDEX SIZE: 24 x 36 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is a blue to blue-green specimen male cycad. It has multiple cones. Some leaves were sacrificed during digging. It's about as big as this species gets. It wants full sun along the coast. Leaflets are heavily lobed. Regular Price: $8500 |
ENCEPHALARTOS ARENARIUS BLUE ROOTING OFFSET SHOULD HAVE NICE COLOR IN CONE CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 15 X 17 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: See above. This is a very large rooting offset that has been placed in pumice. For an offset, it's enormous. It is in cone, a male I suspect. It came from a blue parent plant. By spring or next summer, it'll be rooted out and throw leaves. Regular Price: $4000 |
ENCEPHALARTOS ARENARIUS BLUE UN-ROOTED OFFSET SHOULD HAVE NICE COLOR CONTAINER SIZE: 2 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This South African species is known to have leaf color varying from green to blue. It is prickly like E. horridus. this is an un-rooted caudex we put into pure pumice to root out. They root quite easily. It'll throw it's first leaves next spring or summer. Easy to ship. Regular Price: $450 This plant is sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS ARENARIUS BLUE UN-ROOTED OFFSET SHOULD HAVE NICE COLOR CONTAINER SIZE: 7 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 10 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: See above. This plant is larger and should have blue to blue-green leaves. It's in pumice to root out Regular Price: $900 This plant is sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS FEROX FLAT LEAF FORM CONING SIZE CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 9.5 X 11.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This South and Central African cycad is known for it's "holly fern" leaflets, green color and red cones. This plant is coning size but we do not know the sex. It'll make a fine garden specimen and can take a bit of sun or filtered light. Regular Price: $1600 |
ENCEPHALARTOS FEROX CURLY LEAF FORM CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 9.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is an unusual variety of this species with leaflets that are curled or rolled upon themselves. It's more apparent with more sun. It's fairly hard to find and take some sun or filtered light. Regular Price: $1400 |
ENCEPHALARTOS FEROX FLAT LEAF FORM CONING SIZED CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 19 x 18 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This South and Central African cycad is known for it's "holly fern" leaflets, green color and red cones. This plant is huge for this species and definitely coning size. We don't know the sex. It's the wide, flat leaf variety with nice leaflet appearance. Pruning of leaves was required but this will be a spectacular specimen. Also, there's a bit of a blue-green sheen to the existing leaves. Regular Price: $3200 |
ENCEPHALARTOS FEROX FLAT LEAF FORM FEMALE PLANT CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 14 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: As above. We know this plant is a female because of seeds laying at the bottom of the plant. Cutting of leaves was required during removal. Leaflets are short and wide, color green. This plant had a rootball and should throw in spring or summer. Regular Price: $2000 |
ENCEPHALARTOS FEROX FLAT LEAF FORM MALE PLANT CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 14 x 12 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: As above. This plant has several spent male cones. It is a flat leaf variety. If you got this one and one of the known females, you'd have a chance at setting seeds. Regular Price: $2200 |
ENCEPHALARTOS GRATUS VERY AFFORDABLE YET NICE PLANT CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 7 x 5.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This Central African cycad is native to Mozambique. It is a fairly large species with trunks up to eight or nine feet. Leaves are green. It tolerates coastal full sun but in far inland locations, a few hours of sun would be best. This plant is not huge (compared to others in this offering) but gives a nice sized and affordable starter plant. Regular Price: $450 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS HILDEBRANDTII CONTAINER SIZE: 7 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This large green species is native to Kenya and Tanzania. The plant shown is another starter plant. It shows stress, probably from under-watering in recent months. But, it's going to do fine. It'll make a large plant with leaflets that typically show "pitchforks" at their ends. However, this plant is a bit different. It was labeled as "E. hildebrandtii" but time will tell if it's something different. Regular Price: $375 |
ENCEPHALARTOS KISAMBO PROBABLY BIGGEST ON MARKET FIFTY YEARS OLD! CONTAINER SIZE: 36 inch boxIN0 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 23 x 43 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is a critically endangered cycad species from Kenya and Tanzania, where it grows at medium elevations in misty mountain habitats. Leaves are a light green, long and upright. Leaflets are minimally armed. Leaves are over ten feet long and trunks can get over ten feet. Along the coast it takes sun well but part day sun may be better far inland. Regular Price: $6600 |
ENCEPHALARTOS LEHMANNII GREAT SO AFRICAN BLUE CYCAD VERY LARGE ROOTING OFFSET CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 9.5 - 10 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This plant was removed from the mother plant about a month ago. It is the only plant here not from La Mesa but from Del Mar, Ca. The plant is in pumice with 1/2 the leaves cut off to prevent desiccation. It should have fantastic color as shown. The mother plant is gorgeous. Regular Price: $1200 This Plant Has Sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS LEBOMBOENSIS GOOD SIZED SOUTH AFRICAN PLANT MEDIUM-LARGE MATURE CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 13.5 X 13.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This South African cycad is a medium sized mature with green leaves and trunks up to ten feet. I say "medium sized" because it's smaller than species such as transvenosus, natalensis and altensteinii. The crown of leaves are smaller. This plant is a male in cone and quite large for its container size. It'll be a very nice garden specimen. Regular Price: $1700 |
ENCEPHALARTOS MANIKENSIS CENTRAL AFRICAN GREEN CYCAD NICE STARTER PLANT CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 7 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This green Central African cycad is found at elevation in mountainous regions of Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It is the classic prototype for a whole group of species, all part of the Manikensis Complex. It is a medium sized mature cycad with a trunk of three to six feet, green leaves and leaf length of about five to six feet. Like other Central African species, it can take full coastal sun but inland would prefer part day sun or less. This plant is a handsome and nicely sized cycad that would love to be in your garden. Regular Price: $475 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS MANIKENSIS TYPE SHOULD BE SUPER BEAUTIFUL LARGE PLANT - 25 GALLON CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 x 10.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This green Central African cycad is undoubtedly one of the species of the "Manikensis Complex". These species are all Central African. Time will tell which species it is. It's a huge plant in a 25g pot and ready for the garden. It has green leaves, mostly upright and is very attractive right now. Along the coast, it will like full sun. Regular Price: $1500 |
ENCEPHALARTOS MSINGANUS MORE RARE THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT MEDIUM SIZED GREEN SOUTH AFRICAN CYCAD CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: Populations of this species in the wild are threatened and this species is more rare than thought. Mature is is a green leaf species of medium size. Leaf length averages six feet or a bit more. Trunks mature are six to eight feet. Leaf petioles are often bare with minimal prickles. Leaves are straight or slightly curved downwards. It's quite attractive Regular Price: $1400 |
ENCEPHALARTOS MSINGANUS MORE RARE THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT MEDIUM SIZED GREEN SOUTH AFRICAN CYCAD CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 10.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: Please see above for description. This plant is about the same size caudex as the plant above but in a 15g pot. This species is highly recommended. Regular Price: $1300 |
ENCEPHALARTOS MANIKENSIS TYPE CENTRAL AFRICAN GREEN CYCAD NICE SIZE PLAN T FOR THE GARDEN CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 x 11.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Uncertain COMMENTS: This green Central African cycad is undoubtedly one of the species of the "Manikensis Complex". These species are all Central African. Time will tell which species it is. It's a nicely sized plant in a 25g pot. In the ground with good care it should explode and, in a year or two, throw at least six or eight leaves in one swirl. Along the coast, it will like full sun. Regular Price: $1250 |
ENCEPHALARTOS MIDDLEBURGENSIS SUPER RARE TRANSVAAL SPECIES BLUE COLOR CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: Double caudex (2 plants) - 5 and 6 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: This is an established plant from an earlier private collection. Leaf color is blue to blue-green. There are two plants in the same pot. Caudexes are the perfect size for planting. This is an extremely rare species to buy and is more expensive because it is a double caudex. This plant was not dug and was seed grown. Regular Price: $3850 |
ENCEPHALARTOS NATALENSIS POPULAR GREEN GARDEN CYCAD VERY NICE SPECIMEN CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 x 8.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is the most classic of all the green cycads from South Africa. It is native to the Eastern Cape region where it grows on cliffs and in mountain habitats. It can get trunk that is stout and over 15 feet tall. Leaves are usually five to six feet long, green in color. In most locations except the desert it easily takes full sun. This plant is good sized and ready for the garden. It's a very nice specimen and coning sized. Regular Price: $1500 |
ENCEPHALARTOS NATALENSIS TYPE NICE GARDEN SPECIES STARTER PLANT SIZE CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 8 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: See species description above. Although the leaves show stress (low water), this is a sturdy and nice example of a very desirable species. It has a healthy rootball and is a good starter size for many people. It is throwing new leaves right now. Regular Price: $750 |
ENCEPHALARTOS PIET RETIEF AKA E. RETIEFII SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED GREEN LEAF CYCAD CONTAINER SIZE: 25 GALLON CAUDEX SIZE: 11 X 10 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: This is a small to medium sized green cycad that can get over ten feet of trunk. Crowns of leaves can be ten feet across. Leaf color is green and it is easy to grow. It wants full sun. This specimen is coning sized with a ton of leaves. Regular Price: $1600 |
ENCEPHALARTOS PIET RETIEF FEMALE CYCAD IN CONE GREAT SPECIMEN! CONTAINER SIZE: 25 GALLON CAUDEX SIZE: 11 X 10 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: See description above. This plant is a female in cone. Also, the leaves are a bit blue compared to the totally green plant above. Regular Price: $1700 |
ENCEPHALARTOS PIET RETIEF ATTRACTIVE AND "NOT TO BIG" GREEN CYCAD CONTAINER SIZE: 15 GALLON CAUDEX SIZE: 5.5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: See description above. This plant is a nicely sized 15g plant that would make a good started cycad. It shouldn't miss a beat.. Regular Price: $475 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS NUBIMONTANUS ROOTING OFFSET BLUE COLOR - SUPER RARE CONTAINER SIZE: 5 GALLON CAUDEX SIZE: 5 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: This is an extremely rare blue cycad from the Transvaal area in northern South Africa. This offset is rooting in pumice. It has a great blue color. This is one of the most rare cycads on the planet. Regular Price: $1700 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS SPECIES SOUTH AFRICA VERY UNUSUAL PLANT LEAFLETS HAVE NO SPINES CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 12 x 12 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This cycad has us stumped a bit. It is definitely from South Africa. The remarkable thing is the leaflets are totally spineless! Some stress does show on this plant as all the cycads from this collection had been short on water because of the aging person who took care of them. This particular plant is very interesting. And, with a new throw of leaves I think it'll be a knockout. Regular Price: $1250 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS SPECIES CENTRAL AFRICA SHOULDN'T GET OVERLY LARGE SMALL LEAFLETS CONTAINER SIZE: 15 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 7 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This cycad's caudex has the typical light colored and somewhat furry appearance that pretty much tells you the plant is from Central Africa. As for a specific species identification, we are not sure. The leaflets are small, slightly cupped and green in color with minimal armor. I think it'll be a fun plant for the garden and probably not get overly large. Regular Price: $750 |
ENCEPHALARTOS SPECIES CENTRAL AFRICAN UPRIGHT LEAVES LOOKS LIKE E. WHITELOCKII, BUT IT'S DIFFERENT MONSTER SPECIMEN CONTAINER SIZE: 35 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 19 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Extremely rare COMMENTS: Recently we had a similar plant offered from our cycad collections for sale. But, unlike that one which was a definite E. whitelockii, this one has shorter and wider leaflets. I think it's something a bit different. It does have long upright leaves. But, if you like different, this one might be for you. It's a huge specimen. Regular Price: $3800 |
ENCEPHALARTOS TORREI, POSSIBLE SPECIES A REAL MYSTERY PLANT VERY UNUSUAL LEAVES CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Unknown - probably super rare COMMENTS: This plant is a bit of a mystery. It doesn't match other species making up the manikensis complex. Note the leaflet shape and orientation. The leaflets curve in an upward fashion. If you talk among older cycad collectors, you'll hear mention of a super rare cycad called "Encephalartos torrei". We think that is what this plant is. There is almost nothing published on it. I guarantee you probably won't see another one for sale. Regular Price: $2200 This plant has sold |
ENCEPHALARTOS TRANSVENOSUS VERY LARGE MATURE PLANT NICE SIZED DUG SPECIMEN GIVE IT ROOM! CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: 11 x 13 inches OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is a very large South African green leaf species. Trunks get way overhead and mature plants look like small Canary Island Palms. So, give it room. It likes sun along the coast. This particular plant has an established root ball but we decided to cut the leaves down for it the grow. It'll be a bit garden plant in no time. Regular Price: $1475 |
ENCEPHALARTOS TRISPINOSUS ROOTING OFFSET NICE BLUE COLOR CONTAINER SIZE: 25 gallon CAUDEX SIZE: OFFSETS/PUPS: RARITY: Very rare COMMENTS: This is a blue South African species with very armed/lobed leaflets as shown. It is rooting out in pumice. It loves sun and heat along the coast. In desert areas, a few hours of sun is enough. This is a rooting offset that has a great leaf form. Mail order possible. Regular Price: $500 |
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Nursery Location: |
450 Ocean View Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024 |
Nursery Phone: | 619 291 4605 |
Nursery Hours: |
Monday - Saturday, 9AM - 4PM |
Directions to Nursery: |
Freeway Close. Take Freeway 5 to Encinitas (10 minutes south of Oceanside, 30 minutes north of San Diego). Exit Leucadia Blvd West (toward ocean). Immediate left on Orpheus Ave, left on Union St, Right on Ocean View Ave to Nursery, which is at 450 Ocean View Ave |
Mailing Address: |
3233 Brant Street,
San Diego, CA 92103 |