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The Areca Palm is a clustering palm that
grows in tropical to many temperate climate zones, gets a mature height of
fifteen to forty feet, and has trunk diameters of two to four inches. All
mature stems are more or less the same diameter with no dominant trunk when
trunks are mature. But, individual stems of this species are of variable
heights due to age of any given stem. Younger trunks can be quite short
and tend to be on the outside of the footprint of the cluster. Nursery
grown containerized plants may have a huge number of stems evident. Over
time, many of these will die off giving about a dozen that remain as eventual
trunks to a mature clump. Plants grown in more
tropical regions tend to be taller and more robust. The number of
stems is also quite variable and can be controlled with pruning.
Clumps seen in most areas typically have about a dozen stems or less,
although mature specimens of just one trunk and as many as fifty are
known to exist. |
Overall height of mature specimens of Dypsis lutescens probably is determined most by 1) Age of the specimen and 2) Where the plant is being grown. In Southern California, well grown plants are typically under twenty five feet. The most common height is ten to twenty feet. But, in the tropics, specimens are around that are over fifty feet. In his book, The Palms of Madagascar, John Dransfield mentions trunk heights of one to seven meters. This size is more compatible with what I've seen of specimens here. As we know, there are many species of taller suckering Dypsis in Madagascar. Also, we know that hybridization of species does occur there. So, one might ask, "Is a really tall specimen of the Areca Palm actually a hybrid with another species?" This possibility does exist. I would admit that plants grown in warm, tropical areas in general attain more height than plants grown in temperate regions. |
Trunks are vertical and crown shafted. There can be a gentle arch to the trunks. Trunk diameter is typically about four inches, perhaps swollen at the base. They get a bit thinner toward their top, below the crown. Trunks are smooth with no fibers. Trunk color is variable, ranging from green to silver, with n occasionally silver-white trunk seen. With sun exposure, trunks develop a brown bark. This can appear in a spotted fashion with areas of colored trunk mixed with tan bark. The third photo demonstrates this. With no direct sun to the trunks, they can retain their green to silver appearance for a long time. Crown shaft color is variable as well, sometimes being green, silver, white and rarely yellow. There is often speckling of the proximal petiole and this can extend onto the crown shaft. The number of trunks in a mature clump is also quite variable. Clumps in California are typically numbered at a dozen or less. Mature clumps in the tropics can have up to fifty stems. |
LUTESCENSS Palm species that have multiple stems typically do this by
dividing at their base and creating additional stems. Palm species that have multiple stems typically do this by
dividing at their base and creating additional stems.
There is normally a
primary stem and small outgrowths occur at the soil level. These start as
new "plants", almost looking like a new seedling. They are not from another
seed. They are vegetative additional stems from the primary stem. These mature
and, although initially smaller than the primary stem, share all the
morphological characteristics of the primary stem. These are known as
"suckers" and would make such a palm a "suckering species". These suckers
are attached to the primary stem by tissue. Contrast this with three
individual, single stem plants that are put in the same pot. These are not
attached at the stems and only have entanglement of the roots. If you look
at the first picture below of a nursery plant, you can see, even at this young
age, there are many suckers at the base of the larger man stem. An interesting
thing about palms is that sometimes you'll see suckers form farther up on the
trunk. They are not at ground level. I've seen this many times,
especially with Dypsis. The second photo below shows you how a stem of
Dypsis lutescens is producing suckers but they are located way overhead
below the crown of leaves of a mature plant. In fact, I see three
different suckers on this trunk. This interesting phenomena is known to
palm enthusiasts. There is no logical reason I can think of why the plant
would do this. Obviously, the point of attachment to the primary trunk
cannot be as strong as a trunk in the ground. Also, this stem cannot form
its own root system. Regardless, this does occur and I thought I'd mention it
here. Sooner or later you'll see this on your own.
Color of the leaves is green although hints of yellow, silver or even gold are evident in the leaflets and stems. From afar, there is no question that this species displays a fair amount of the color yellow. Leaf length is typically four to six feet long with a bare petiole. One typically sees spotting or specks of dark color near the base of the leaf stems. Leaves are pinnate and keeled, giving a "V shape" in cross-section. Also, this is a crown shafted species with the base of the leaf stems wrapping around the individual trunk to which it is attached. This wrapping around the trunk forms what is known as the 'crown shaft", discussed below. Crown shafted species are usually referred to as "self-cleaning". This means that the leaves fall off with age, bring along the entire leaf with its crown shaft. Areca Palm leaves, especially after experiencing hot and dry weather can show brown tipping to the ends of the leaflets. Cold weather can do this as well. Therapy for this is a simple "haircut" of the browned tips. It's quite amazing how this makes the plant look a lot better. Of note, the Butterfly Palm leaves look better with higher humidity. |
A crown shaft is a tubular structure at the top of the trunk
of a palm, located just below the crown of leaves, that wraps around the trunk
and is actually a modified base of the leaf.
The base of the petiole
expands out into a flat, cylindrical structure that wraps around the trunk.
It can go all the way around the trunk or only part way. When an old leaf
falls from the tree, the leaf base falls with it. The Areca Palm is a
crown-shafted species. The photos below show these structures. On
this species, the crown shaft can demonstrate a variety of colors. This
can range from green to yellow to white. A "snow white" crown shafted
specimen is sought after by palm enthusiasts. Of note, when you remove a
crown shaft, another is evident right below the removed one and this crown shaft
belongs to the next newer leaf.
Dypsis lutescens can show color in the trunk, crown shaft, leaf stem or even in the leaf color. The Areca Palm is basically a green leafed palm, but other colors can be seen in all these areas. Yellow is most commonly seen, especially in the leaf stem and a bit in the leaves. But, you'll find many other colors as shown below. The photos below show how plants demonstrate these colors. In tropical areas, sometimes this yellow color is less apparent. Also, dry conditions may bring out more yellow color. Containerized nursery stock plants grown in tropical areas almost always show some degree of this yellow color to the leaf stems and leaves. Also of note is the fact that this species has dark "speckling" on the leaf bases in the crown shaft area. These black dots will extend up the petiole a ways as well. (see photo below) |
Cyrtostachys r. left, Dypsis lutescens right by Jeff Anderson |
NUMBER OF TRUNKS OF THE ARECA PALM The number of stems that develop in a mature tree
is quite variable. I think in tropical areas one tends to see more trunks,
the overall color is more green, and the overall height is greater. So, in an area
like south Florida or Hawaii, you might see several dozen stems. In
contrast, plants in Southern California might only have six to twelve stems.
Many gardeners don't like too many stems. They prefer a more "open look"
and will prune off unwanted stems. This can be done to small new stems or
to large existing stems. A plant with fifty stems
typically would not have been pruned n recent times. If you compare the two plants below, you can
see a huge difference in the number of stems. Yet, both plants are
flowering, mature plants and similar height. As mentioned, the number of
trunks is variable, from many to a few. Below is a picture of a single
trunk specimen. It is not known if this is naturally a single trunk or if
additional trunks were removed.
Trunk height and plant size is quite variable, depending on how old the specimen is and where you are growing it. Above I showed a very old specimen from Brazil that is over forty feet. In California, the average overall height of the Areca Palm is fifteen to twenty feet. In containers, most plants don't get over eight to ten feet. Below are an assortment of pictures. Surprisingly, the plant from a hotel grounds in Hawaii is the smaller, but I suspect it's just a young plant. |
NATURAL HABITAT SUN EXPOSURE FOR DYPSIS LUTESCENS In coastal areas of Southern California, warm temperate areas
like south Texas and in tropical regions, this species does excellent in full sun.
This doesn't mean that it won't survive well in part day sun or strong filtered
light. But, that it can withstand full sun. In areas like Florida or
Pacific tropical islands, it is most common to see Dypsis lutescens in full sun.
One would grow this species in a protected environment if he lives in an inland
or desert area. For example, in Palm Springs, CA this species can be
grown; but only in filtered light. One might find that plants grown in
full sun tend to be more compact with shorter leaves, more on the yellow side,
and on occasion pick up more leaf burn. SOIL AND DRAINAGE COLD TOLERANCE OF
Dypsis lutescens is native to the eastern Madagascar
where it is found in moist rain forest on slopes or along river beds. It
is most common in sandy locations very close to the ocean. Dransfield in
his book, The Palms of Madagascar, mentions that you'll see this
species in rocky habitats and in
secondary growth forest. Because of the widespread habitat destruction on
this island, the future of this species in habitat is threatened. However, because of
the worldwide distribution and usage of this palm, extinction is unlikely. Dransfield estimates that there are approximately one thousand plants left in
the wild at the time of writing his publication. Of note, prior to his
publication, this species was known as Chrysalidocarpus lutescens.
Photos below are of habitat areas in Madagascar.
The Areca Palm is easily grown in tropical and subtropical
regions. It flourishes in areas with sandy soil where water is ample and
soil drainage is good. In such areas, it is most often grown in full sun
but does quite well in part day sun or filtered light. It is not unusual
for one to see this species adorning gardens in tropical regions or in hotel
lobbies and patios. In general, in warmer areas, it tends to be more robust
and get taller. Heights greater than thirty feet or higher can be
Like other species of Dypsis, the Areca
Palm prefers good draining soil with adequate moisture. It likes heat and
humidity and can tolerated some degree of dry spells. But, I would not
consider it a xerophytic species. Dry conditions may give it leaf tip
burn. People growing it next to a pool find that this tip burn is less and
the plants enjoys the humidity. The Golden Cane Palm would be a poor
choice for full sun in a desert environment.
Cold tolerance of the Areca Palm is into the mid-twenties
F. and perhaps even a bit lower. Specimens have been known to survive low
temperatures of twenty-two degrees. But, it is not suggested for areas
that will see temperatures into the teens.
This species wants an N:P:K ratio of 3:1:3 or perhaps
3:1:2. This would mean a fertilizer that says "15:5:15" or "12"4"8" would
work well. We also suggest getting slow release fertilizer (safer to use)
and a preparation with a good assortment of microelements. Availability of
fertilizers varies from region to region and is totally different from country
to country. So, you will have to seek out a preparation that meets the
criteria above. A given named fertilizer available in our area might not
be available in your locality.
PRUNING AND THINNING OUT THE ARECA PALM As mentioned above, it is possible to prune out suckering stems at the bottom to thin out a clump. This results in a more open plant where individual stems can be seen. This can be done early in the plant's life when overall height is not that great. Or, with more work, it can be done to a mature thick clump. It is advisable to cross cut stems of trunks to be eliminated about two inches above the ground. If you cut them below the soil line, rot can result and this could jeopardize the entire plant. When pruning leaves, one typically removes the oldest (lowest) leaves first. You would remove such a leaf by cutting as close to the trunk as possible but don't gauge into the crown shaft. Old crown shafts turn brown in color and should be removed when, without additional pruning, the can simple be "unwrapped" from the trunk. Premature removal of crown shafts can scar the trunk forever. Below are two pictures of an Areca Palm that was pruned of lower suckers to result in an eventual mature tree with less stems. This is an aesthetic decision that the gardener has to make based on his preferences. On the second picture look how more open it is and you can easily see individual trunks. |
Before pruning, photo by Jason Dunn |
After pruning, photo by Jason Dunn |
I want to how another example of major pruning of three
separate, mature Dypsis lutescens. These photos
are from
large trunks were removed to make the clumps less massive and thick. Note
after the pruning, you can
actually see through the plants.
Areca Palm Pruning by Wal Donovan |
Areca Palm Pruning by Wal Donovan |
Areca Palm Pruning by Wal Donovan |
To Block the View of Neighbors
In a Thin Planter Strip or Small Planter Box
Another interesting application for this species is utilizing it in a thin area such as a parkway or along a thin garden to the side of a house. Larger palm species like the Queen Palm, Date Palms and King Palm just won't work in small planter areas. If people are walking nearby, you certainly don't want to use species with spines such as the Pygmy Date Palm. But, the Areca palm can work well in such an area. If one properly prunes off new suckers, he can limit the number of vertical canes to just a few. As the canes grow overhead, a nice effect of several thin canes adjacent to a walkway is quite nice. See the photos below. This species can also be used in a small corner of a planting area or in a cut out planter as shown below. One of the planters shown is only about twelve inches in width and the Areca Palm is doing quite well (last photo). |
Some people like this species right up against their house or garage. It gives privacy and typically does not outgrow the height of the house. If you prune out some of the suckers, the volume of the plant doesn't overwhelm the house either. Below are several photos where the Areca palm is being used right up against a home. This species can be used in conjunction with other small to medium sized palm species. |
As a Single Specimen Plant in the Garden It is rare to see Dypsis lutescens planted all by itself in front of a home. As I accumulated photos for this article, such a photo was the hardest to locate. I think this is because such a solo planting is hardly ever done. Rather, this species is planted along with an array of other species to give a tropical effect. So, I might summarize by saying that the Areca Palm can be used as a stand alone specimen plant in the garden, but it would not be my first choice, looking better when planted with other palm species. I say this because it is not a large plant and not statuesque. If one is to use only one species in the yard, I tend to like larger trunked palms with a good crown size. The first photo below shows how only utilizing the Areca palm leaves something to be desired. The second photo, where other companion plants are utilized, is much more aesthetic. The third photo shows an unbelievably large Dypsis lutescens that doesn't look too bad in the front yard. Most specimens are not nearly this large. |
This is the most common way that this species is utilized in gardens out here in California. It is artistically mixed with a variety of other palms and companion plants. This could either be in the garden area per say or up against the house or fence. Mixed with plants of varying size and texture, it can be very appealing. I especially like to mix in a few tropical fan palms to contrast with the feather palms. Photos shown below show how the Areca Palm is utilized along with other species in the garden. |
This species is quite easy to grow in a container. It likes good draining soil and regular watering. I've mentioned above the problem of brown tipping to the leaves that we see here in Southern California. This is typically seen in plants that are in full sun. A simple and quick "haircut" to the leaflet ends usually solves this problem and can make the plant look better in minutes. Often plants outgrow this condition over time. Plants in the garden are less likely to get this if they are given adequate water. Although I don't have a lot of photos of Areca palms in nice designer containers, I will supplement here with pictures of nursery grown containerized plants that will give you an idea of their appearance in pots. |
Growing the Areca Palm as a Houseplant
The Areca Palm would not be high on my list of recommended interior palms. This is because it likes air circulation and humidity. Interior air tends to be quite dry during the winter when the heater is used. This causes desiccation of the leaves and brown tipping. Also, this species does like ample sunlight. If you are going to attempt this, try spraying the leaves frequently with water mist and putting the plant near a bright window. |
As a group, there are many suckering Dypsis species that don't get too tall. Many are ideal for garden planting. As plant enthusiasts like to try new species, I thought I'd show you here a few suckering Dypsis that are newer on the market and are not overly tall. All are suckering species with multiple stems. Stems on these are similar to the Areca, perhaps a bit thicker. Heights on these species range from ten to twenty feet. Most of these species can be grown in Southern California. I'll show mature or good sized plants to give you an idea what they will eventually look like. If you like Dypsis, there are a lot of very cool species to consider. At our nursery, we can give cultural advice as to the individual needs of all of these species. |
Dypsis baronii by Jason Dunn |
Dypsis baronii |
Dypsis onilahensis |
Dypsis onilahensis by BQ |
Dypsis onilahensis by BQ |
Dypsis lanceolata |
Dypsis lanceolata |
Dypsis affinis |
Dypsis pembana |
In this article I've discussed the popular medium
sized suckering palm species, Dypsis lutesens.
It is known as the Areca Palm, Golden Cane Palm and Butterfly
Palm. This species does best in tropical areas but can also be grown in
temperate climates. In topical areas or coastal temperate areas, it
tolerates full sun and has some degree of cold hardiness. Variable
characteristics of this species are overall height, number of trunks and color.
There seems to be a form right for everyone. This species is quite
adaptable and can be used in various applications in the garden.
It can also be grown in containers but would not be a top choice for interior
culture. Above, I also discussed alternative species of Dypsis
that are excellent additions to the garden. All are different appearing. A large number of photographs have been used above to show the
characteristics of this species. |
Acknowledgments: I would like to acknowledge and thank the
following people for their photographic support with this article: Mark Reidler, California Jason Dunn, California Paul Craft, Florida Ken Greby, Florida Walter Donovan, Australia Daryl O'connor, Australia Jeff Anderson, Costa Rica CK in Mexico Leland Lai, California Steve Horn, California Rolf Kyburz, Australia Ken Greby, Florida.
TO READ OTHER ARTICLES ON PALM TREES, CLICK HERE Thank you for reading this article.
Feedback always appreciated. Phil & Jesse Bergman Owner Jungle Music Palms and Cycads Nursery: 450 Ocean View Ave, Encinitas, CA 92924 Hours: Monday - Saturday, 9AM - 4PM Phone: 619 291 4605 Email: phil.bergman@junglemusic.net
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