Jungle Music Palms and Cycads Nursery

Nursery Hours:
Monday -Saturday 9AM-4PM

Phone: (619) 291-4605
Fax: (619) 574-1595

  Delivery for palm trees and cycads is available

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On the left side of this page you will see photographs of specimens of any given cycad species or genus.  Some cultural comments are given.  To the immediate right you will see photographs of various sizes of the same or similar species that we have for sale at the nursery.  If you go from left to right and back, you'll be able to get a real feel for what any given nursery plant will eventually look like.  If you scroll down, we discuss another species or genus.  As time goes by, we will be adding a lot more species and photographs.  For pricing, click on "Buy Cycads" at our main homepage.  Please note that our inventory and availability does change with time.  Also, on most items, we have sizes available from seedlings to larger plants.  We have purposefully shown larger nursery stock in many cases for visual and educational reasons and availability may change over time.  As time goes by, some of the specimens below may have been sold, bu our inventory is so great that we have or can obtain a comparable plant for you.





Ceratozamia species
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Ceratozamia mexicana








Above is a Ceratozamia
mexicana in a domestic planting.

Ceratozamia is a genus of cycads from Mexico and Central America.  They are typically lush appearing with prominent green leaves.  Although some tolerate full sun, many prefer filtered light as in their habitat they grow under overhead canopy.  Ceratozamia mexicana, seen above, is sort of a prototype of these genus.  It can have a wide spread with horizontal leaves.  Some species have upright leaves while others have dependent leaves that seem to tumble down toward the ground.  All are quite beautiful.   


Ceratozamia miqueliana

Ceratozamia miqueliana is known for its wide leaflets and blue green color.  It is a medium sized plant and never attains much vertical height.  Some feel it is one of the most beautiful Ceratozamia. The picture shown to the right is our mother female.  We presently have seedlings for sale.


Ceratozamia el mirador

This is a photo of the Ceratozamia "el mirador", with it's long thin leaflets.


Ceratozamia el mirador

A picture of the entire plant, Ceratozamia el mirador


Ceratozamia hildae

Ceratozamia hildae, an interesting species with grouped leaflets and small overall size.  We offer a good selection of this species for sale.

Ceratozamia mexicana
Ceratozamia mexicana in a 15g container

Ceratozamia mexicana
Ceratozamia mexicana in a 24 inch box

Ceratozamia robusta
Ceratozamia robusta, a species with upright leaves,
in a 24 inch box outdoors

Ceratozamia latifolia
Ceratozamia latifolia in a 20 g container

Ceratozamia mexicana 15g contaienr
Another Ceratozamia mexicana in a 15g container,
this plant having a thinner leaflet than the plant
above in 15g size.

Ceratozamia miqueliana 15g
Ceratozamia miqueliana female (in a 15g that you
can't see well) that is our mother plant for seed production.

Dioon califanoi, edule, and mejiae
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Dioon califanoi 

Dioon califanoi, photo by J.O., taken in habitat in Mexico.  This is an extremely old specimen.  This species has somewhat thin leaves and are "keeled" (V-shaped in cross section).  Like many of the Dioons, they are slow growing.  


Dioon califanoi domestic

Dioon califanoi in a domestic planting


Dioon edule

Multiple Dioon edule in a public planting  Dioon edule and it's various varieties tend to be very slow growing, like sun and lots of heat and are fairly cold hardy.  People like the crown of leaves because they are not too large.


Dioon mejiae

Dioon mejiae in a public garden



Dioon califanoi 15g1
Dioon califanoi in a 15g container

Dioon Rio Verde
Dioon edule var. "rio verde" in a clay pot

Dioon edule
Dioon edule in a 15g pot

Dioon mejiae
Dioon mejiae in a 24 inch box showing the vertical
orientation of the new swirl of leaves
Dioon merolae
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Dioon merolae 

Dioon merolae is a very attractive and slow growing cycad from Mexico.  Its leaves have a silver-green color and the leaflets are gently flexed toward the ground.  Trunks are not to large and a plant with a foot or two of trunk is quite old.  The picture above shows newly emerging soft leaves that with time harden into the stiffer mature leaves.


Dioon merolae LAA

Dioon merolae at Los Angeles Arboretum


 Dioon merolae in the wild

A several century old (by estimate) Dioon merolae in the wild habitat.  Not the winding trunks near the ground.  Photo by J.O.

Dioon merolae
Dioon merolae
in a 24 inch box

Dioon merolae box2
A Dioon merolae, quite old, at the Nursery in a 24 inch box

Dioon merolae box3
Dioon merolae with a new flush of leaves. 
Note we have all size of this species from
seedlings on up.
Encephalartos eugene-maraisii
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Encephalartos eugene-maraisii 

Encephalartos eugene-maraisii

This is another blue cycad species from South Africa.  It is very rare and quite beautiful as you can see.  The leaflets are held in an upright position.  It is not a huge plant unless very old.  It prefers sun and likes heat.  Good soil drainage is required.     


E. eugene-maraisii

This photograph shows a very old domestically planted Encephalartos eugene-maraisii

An Encephalartos eugene-maraisii in a 15g pot

Enceph. e-m
A rooted out offset of E. eugene-maraisii
Encephalartos ferox
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Encephalartos ferox domestic

Encephalartos ferox in a domestic planting.

There has always been appeal for this South African species because of the color and shape of the leaflets.  It is very reminiscent of a holly fern.  But, the most striking thing about this species is the color of the cones.  The female is a fire engine red and the male is an orange-red.  Both are beautiful.  Plants will cone and show this within about five to ten years.  This species will tolerate filtered light and can only take full sun if you are right along the coast.

encephalartos ferox leaf
Picture of the leaf of E. ferox showing how it looks like a Holly Fern

Encephalartos ferox female cone

Above is the female cone of Encephalartos ferox.



E. ferox in cone, female
Encephalartos ferox, 15g, with a female red cone

E. ferox
A juvenile Encephalartos ferox in a citrus pot

encephalartos ferox
Encephalartos ferox in a 15g container
Encephalartos horridus
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Encephalartos horridus 

Encephalartos horridus  This is one of the most sought after cycads that nurseries can provide.  Native to the Republic of South Africa, it is known for its blue color, very lobed and spiney leaflets and unique appearance.  It tolerates full sun along the coastal areas but might need partial protection in the desert.  It is cold tolerant to the low 20 degrees F.  It is very slow growing and in a lifetime won't get much above six or seven feet tall.


  Encephalartos horridus

Encephalartos horridus  in a garden


Encephalartos horridus

You can see that the trunk of this E. horridus is about two feet.  This is extremely large and old for this species..


Encephalartos horridus

It's interesting how this species goes nicely with tropical palms but can also look great in a cactus and succulent garden as seen above.


Encephalartos horridus

Another striking specimen showing the blue color of Encephalartos horridus.




Encephalartos horridus
Above is a boxed Encephalartos horridus

Encephalartos horridus
Above is a 15g Encephalartos horridus

Encephalartos horridus
Another boxed E. horridus

Encephalartos horridus
Another boxed Encephalartos horridus

Encephalartos horridus
Another 15g sized E. horridus.  We've shown
a lot of pictures of this species because it is
so commonly asked about.
Encephalartos lehmanii
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Encephalartos lehmanii 

We are showing all these blue South African cycads because they are so popular.  Above is a domestically grown Encephalartos lehmanii.  It has similar growth requirements as E. horridus above.  It likes heat and full sun unless you are inland near the deserts.  The main difference between this species and E. horridus is that the leaflets are not nearly so armed; i.e., they are less "pokey".  The color is gorgeous.   


Encephalartos lehmanii

This domestic specimen of E. lehmanii has a rather large trunk for this species.  It once again has great color, in this case a bit more silver than blue.



encephalartos lehmannii
Encephalartos lehmanii in a 15g container.

E. lehmanii box
E. lehmanii in a 24 inch box

encephalartos lehmannii
A very old boxed specimen of Encephalartos lehmanii

Encephalartos longifolius
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Encephalartos longifolius

Enephalartos longifolius is another species of cycad from South Africa.  It grows easily in Southern California and prefers full sun in most areas.  Desert locations may require some sun protection.  The crowns are medium sized as shown, but trunks will eventually get quite large.  There are green and blue forms of this species as shown below.


Encephalartos longifolius

A grouping of three Encephalartos longifolius in full sun.


Encephalartos longifolius blue

As mentioned, there is variation in the color of the leaflets of Encephalartos longifolius.  The plant above definitely demonstrates a more blue color.


E. longifolius blue leaf

This photograph demonstrates the blue color of the leaflets


Encephalartos longifolius

It is easy to see why this species is so popular when you observe the beautiful display of leaves above.

Encephalartos longifolius
E. longifolius in a 24 inch box, very old plant
Encephalartos longifolius
Another boxed E. longifolius, this one showing
some blue color.

Encephalartos longifolius
Here's a huge, very old 15g E. longifolius. 
I think this photo demonstrates why cycads are
sold by he caudex size and not the container size.

Encephalartos longifolius
A 15g Encephalartos longifolius about
7 years old.

Encephalartos longifolius
The same species in a citrus pot.  This one is
showing the blue color.
Encephalartos natalensis
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music


encephalartos natalensis

Encephalartos natalensis is a green variety of Encephalartos from the Natal region of South Africa.  They are good sized cycads with trunks that in a few centuries can get up to twenty feet.  As you see, the crowns are full.  They are the ideal specimen for the enthusiast that is not charmed by the blue species.  They tolerate full sun along the coast and, like almost all cycads, enjoy good drainage and heat.   


encephalartos natalensis cones

As with so many species of cycads, the cones (reproductive parts) are a real treat and often quite colorful.  Those above are from a specimen E.



Encephalartos natalensis

You have to give enough room for development of the crown on this species of cycad.

Encephalartos natalensis

This boxed specimen E. natalensis is a real show stopper.

encephalartos natalensis


encephalartos natalensis

Another boxed E. natalensis at the Nursery


 encephalartos natalensis

Above is a 15g plant E. natalensis that is not
too big to ship if you don't live near us.

Macrozamia johnsoni
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Macrozamia johnsoni 

Macrozamia johnsoni will serve as an example of a genus of cycads that are quite diverse: Macrozamia..  Some are large and some are quite small or subterranian.  M. Johnsoni is a medium to large species and has a very full head of leaves.  They are fairly cold tolerant and need room to spread out.

Macrozamia johnsoni
Stangeria eriopus
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Stangeria eriopus 

Stangeria eriopus in a domestic planting.  This is one of the cycads that doesn't look like any other cycads.  Most people think that it is a fern.  It is natively from South Africa and there are two forms of this species.  It can tolerate full sun along the coast or filtered light inland.  It is a small plant and cones at a relatively young age.


stangeria eriopus

Another picture of Stangeria eriopus with its fern-like appearance in a garden.

Stangeria eriopus in container
Stangeria eriopus, female plant, in citrus pot

Stangeria female cone
A closeup of the female cone from the above plant.

Stangeria eriopus on concrete floor
Another citrus pot sized specimen
Tropical Zamia
Specimen Photographs Plants at Jungle Music

Zamia skinneri 

Zamia skinneri, photo by R.M.

Zamia is a genus of cycads that are endemic in areas from Florida to South America.  The common Cardboard Cycad is a member of this genus.  However, there are many very exotic and beautiful Zamia that leave one almost breathless.  They are the epitome of a rain forest cycad.  The species above, Zamia skinneri, shows what I am talking about.  Most species do not tolerate a freeze and want a protected environment.


Zamia skinneri red emergent

This picture by R.M. shows a variety of Zamia skinneri that has red emergent new leaves.


Zamia pseudoparasitica

Above is a species that lives epiphytically up in trees in the rain forest.  Zamia pseudoparasitica only uses the tree for support and doesn't hurt the harboring tree.  It's leaves hang downwards as shown in this domestic specimen.  It feeds from the decay of leaf matter, dust and rain.  Photo by R.M.



Zamia kickxii

Zamia kickxii is a Cuban species that is quite dwarfed and very attractive.  It likes filtered light and good drainage.  It does well outdoors in Southern California.


  Zamia fairchildeana

Zamia fairchildeana is a large Zamia species that is quite beautiful.  It has a large crown of leaves and prefers filtered light.  One can see from these photos above that it is quite easy to get excited about the tropical Zamia.

Zamia ipetiensis
Zamia ipetiensis is a tropical Zamia.  This one
is in a citrus pot sized container.

Zamia vazquezii
Zamia vazquezii is a small cycad with irregular
leaflets and a thin trunk.  It is quite attractive and
likes filtered light.  It grows nicely in Southern
California coastal areas.

Zamia gentryi
Zamia gentryi in a 15g container

Zamia species
An interesting Zamia species in a citrus pot

Zamia pseudoparasitica
Zamia pseudoparasitica in a 2 g pot.  Compare
this to the photograph to the left of a mature specimen.

Zamia picta
The leaflets of this Zamia picta (variegata) are
splattered with polka dots of yellow, a characteristic
of this species.  It's in a 1g container.

Zamia skinneri
Zamia skinneri
in a 5g container.

zamia muricata
Zamia muricata,
a South American tropical Zamia




This is obviously a very abbreviated presentation of some interesting cycads  that we have at the Nursery.  As time goes on, we'll expand our species shown and add more features like links to prices and search features.   I am sure that you noticed that some of our cycads are essentially mature plants like those seen in botanial plantings.  This is because we've been around for over 30 years and have a lot of very old specimen cycads.  If you like any of the nursery plants we've shown above, please drop by for a visit or contact us by phone.  We typically have an assortment of sizes to satisfy everyone.   And, on most cycads, we can ship right to your door if you live within the U.S.. We also offer a consultation service to help you select the right plants for your garden.  If you also like palms, click the "Palm" button above to see our stock of many species of cycads and compare them with mature specimens.  We also offer a great selection of other tropical companion plants such as Philodendron, Heliconia, Aeroids, Croton, Alocasia, etc.  All these plants mix well with the palms and cycads. 


Thank you for reading this.  I hope to hear from or see many of you soon. 




Read below for additional links to features and articles on cycads.



Phil Bergman 
Jungle Music Palm, Cycad & Tropical Plant Nursery 





Nursery Location:

450 Ocean View Ave., Encinitas, CA  92024

Nursery Phone: 619 291 4605
Nursery Hours:

 Monday - Saturday 9am - 4pm
 Sunday typically closed

Directions to Nursery: Freeway Close. Take Freeway 5 to Encinitas
(10 minutes south of Oceanside, 30 minutes north of San Diego). 
Exit Leucadia Blvd West (toward ocean).
Immediate left on Orpheus Ave, left on Union St,
Right on Ocean View Ave to Nursery, which is at 450 Ocean View Ave
Mailing Address:

3233 Brant Street, San Diego, CA 92103


CYCADS IN THE LANDSCAPE                                       






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Send mail to phil.bergman@junglemusic.net only with inquiries about Jungle Music nursery stock or mail order. (After over a decade and tens of thousands of phone calls and emails, we no longer offer free advice and consults by phone or email. See our free Palm Tree Help & Cycad Help Articles)

© 1997-2024 Jungle Music Palms and Cycads
Last modified: January 13, 2024

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