Side-by-Side Photo Tour
Compare Rare Specimen Plants with What's For Sale At
This new feature at our website shows you mature
palms and cycads from garden or native habitats
adjacent to actual plants we have for sale at our Nursery. It's
easy. Just move left to right and back.
You'll see exactly what we have for sale and what
it's going to look like. Availability does
change over time, but this service is very
representative of our nursery stock. Remember,
we are a combination of a palm tree nursery and a
cycad nursery all wrapped into one facility. Brief comments on
culture are provided. We have concentrated on
popular but less often seen species that we've found
most customers either like or purchase. For prices go to our
"Buy Palms" or "Buy Cycads" buttons on the homepage.
Over time we'll be adding lots more species, so do
check back with us. Just click below on the
plants you want to view. Be patient with the
download as there's a lot of photographs to view.
Because of this we've divided this service
into the two categories of "Palms" and "Cycads".
Please note: These pages are large and may take
a moment or two to load