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Cycad Photo Gallery! 

The cycad photographs represented here are from over 20 years of photographic work and study by myself and my son on cycads from around the world.  More recently we've added donated cycad photos on some species.  They are a compilation of shots from native habitats, public plantings, botanical and private gardens.  Included are everything from the common Sago Palm to rare Encephalartos, Dioon, Cycas, Zamias, and many other rare species.   I apologize for any misidentifications. Please click small thumbnail photo to enlarge picture for easier viewing.   

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There are 1045 pictures in the gallery


Three ways to see photographs:
1) Scroll through cycad photographs below, or
2) Click here to see complete list of all cycad photographs available, or
3) Type in cycad species  name or first several letters below.

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Encephalartos longifolius (leaf detail)

Encephalartos longifolius blue form

Encephalartos longifolius blue form, leaf detail

Encephalartos longifolius, leaf detail

Encephalartos longifolius, leaves

Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis

Encephalartos manikensis, new flush of leaves

Encephalartos middelburgens

Encephalartos middelburgensis

Encephalartos middelburgensis

Encephalartos msinganus

Encephalartos msinganus

Encephalartos msinganus

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