This article talks about the genus of
Caryota, the Fishtail Palm. I'll
discuss the three most common species, their culture and other unique things about this
genus of large palm trees. Of note we usually have many types of Caryotas
for sale at the nursery.
species (Click photo to enlarge)
leaf showing
"fishtail" leaflets with their chopped distal ends and bipinnate
(Click photo to enlarge)
Caryota urens
My Experiences with Caryota Palms
Forty-one years ago, when I
started growing palm trees, I was quite attracted to this genus of large tropical
palms. Although I knew they would flower and then die, that didn't
matter. I just had to have some to establish my overhead canopy.
Back then, Caryota gigas was unknown to enthusiasts. So, I
sought out a grower who had some smaller Caryota urens. In
the early 1980's it
became the first Fishtail Palm in my garden. Later I got
several more. I loved the size and design of the huge Caryota urens.I had also heard that they grew unbelievably fast.After purchasing my first 5 gallon, I was disappointed because it
just stayed the same size the first year.I started thinking “they’re fast for everyone else except
Then, in the second year, the plant exploded.
It grew aggressively for many years and got a trunk diameter of about 16
inches. Leaves were twelve feet long and the crown was huge.
But, after about twenty-five years, it stayed true to its reputation.
In about 2006 the dying process began. The first thing I noticed was
the rather rapid browning of the lower leaves. About six months
after this started, I notice the first flower spike at the top of the
tree. This dying process took about five years until the tree
appeared to be totally dead by 2011.
My tallest Caryota urens reached a height of 85 feet.
What a monster! It went through its fruiting and gave off tons of
black and fertile seeds. Its fruiting
flowers descended down the trunk - although the lowest flowers seemed not
to produce fruit. My suspicion is that the leaf "death" was
secondary to the trees stealing the nutrition from the leaves to supply
the energy to form the flower spikes. All leaves eventually turned
brown and dry.
Remember that Caryotas are monocarpic, meaning that
the fruiting trunk will die after blossoming.If it is a single trunk Caryota species, this means that the
plant will die. If it a suckering
(multi-trunk) species such as Caryota mitis, the flowering trunk
will die and other trunks will continue and, over time flower and die.
Below, I shall not discuss much about the taxonomy of the various species
of Caryotas, but
rather give some anecdotal information of interest about these great
fishtail palms.
of Caryotas
get their "fishtail" nickname because the leaflets are
jagged or "chopped" appearing at the distal end, much like the
tail of a fish. They are also a species with a bipinnate leaf.
Seedlings do not have this latter characteristic, but over time it becomes
apparent. "Bipinnate"
means that the leaf has it's usual stem like other pinnate palms.
It, however, has secondary branching pinna off of the primary stem of the
leaf. Off this secondary pinna come the leaflets. The leaflets have
the "fishtail" appearance.
There are single trunk species
like Caryota urens, C. gigas, C. rumphiana,and many others.
There are suckering species like Caryota mitis. If climate
permits, almost every palm enthusiast grows one type or another of Caryota.
The majority of Caryota are single trunk
species. Surprisingly, the one you will most often see for sale in home
improvement centers is a suckering species, Caryota mitis.
"Suckering" means that it normally produces multiple stems, new
stems emerging near the base of the "mother" trunk. This is a
smaller species, reaching typically ten to twenty feet in height and
having trunks about four to six inches in diameter. It has been
used as a house plant. Most of this present article deals
with the single trunk species which are more popular among palm
Bipinnate appearance of the
juvenile leaflet of C. gigas
(Click photo to enlarge)
Brown-tipping on only the exposed area of a
C. urens leaflet
that pierce through the shade cloth while opening.
(click photo to enlarge)
Caryota gigas
A very robust Caryota mitis
C. urens
fruits. You wouldn't want to clean
these without good rubber gloves.
(Click photo to enlarge)
Caryota Seeds
Caryota have flowers of both sexes so that
one tree may produce large numbers of viable seeds. The seeds are
covered with a thick coat of brown or near black fruit. When collecting
seeds that have fallen, avoid direct contact of the
fruit with your skin.It’s
irritating crystals will make you crawl with discomfort.Germination can be accomplished outdoors.With fruiting trees, it is commonplace for fallen seeds to
germinate on the garden floor.I
found a good way to notice if your tree is about to flower is to watch the
color and quality of the existing leaves.The older, lower leaves on a tree that is about to blossom will
suddenly turn a brownish-green and not look right.That phenomena may continue in an ascending fashion up the trunk
for several more leaves.Then
you notice the emergence of the flower.
Caryota urens
in a domestic garden, still far from mature height
(Click photo to enlarge)
C. urens
with a large bract of fruit
(Click photo to enlarge)
If a tree flowers, this is not a guarantee that
viable seeds will form.It
takes the right timing and proximity of the male and female flowers to
create fertile seeds.As the
male flowers end maturity, you might find that they create a rainstorm of
flower debris below the tree.These
will carpet the ground with yellow colored flower parts.During it’s peak, it is almost musical to hear the continual drop
of flowers.Later, when the
seeds start to drop, it’s like a hailstorm at times.Once your Caryota urens begins to flower, you have about
five years of flowering before the tree will look so poor that you will
want to have it removed.Be
aware that the trunk of Caryotas is very hard, and tree climbers
spikes may have difficulty entering the tissue of the trunk.Also, understand that the removal of flowers is difficult because
of the weight of the entire flower. Removal of the flowers does not
prolong the life of the tree.
Caryota rumphiana
(Click photo to enlarge)
Caryota gigas
Caryota Palms Falling Over and Root Stability
Because single trunk Fishtail Palms tend to be tall, they are subject to
wind forces. It has been known that strong wind can blow them over.
It's not common, but can occur.
Multiple decades ago,
I first heard about Caryotas suddenly
falling over.Then I heard
more stories here and there.I
confirmed this phenomena once whileI
was talking with the late and longtime I.P.S. member Jim Specht.He told me that one morning after a very windy storm, he went
outside to find that two of his mature Caryota urens had fallen over.One hit the neighbor to the left, one hit the neighbor to the
right.Fortunately, no one
was injured and there was minor damage to his neighbor's fences.I would surmise that this is the result of an extremely tall plant
with relatively superficial roots.The
important thing is to be aware that it can happen.
Caryota urens in it's terminal life after blossoming.
(Click photo to enlarge)
Caryota gigas leaf nursery plant
Growing Caryotas Differences of the Three Most
Commonly Seen Species
Caryota urensseems to be the
vertically fastest growing of all the Fishtail Palms. You can go from one gallon to a fifteen gallon plant easily in two
years in the greenhouse.The
latter plant can be way above the house in five years when planted out and
properly maintained. Trunk diameter
mature is 14 to 18 inches. Almost all specimens attain a height of
nearly fifty feet or more. The trunk has a white, furry texture.
If you scratch your initials through this fur, it'll be there for the life
of the tree.
Caryota gigasis a truly beautiful plant.However, it takes more time to get the vertical height when
compared to C. urens.The
beauty of it’s leaves and the dark, intriguing leaf bases are worth the
wait.Also, it seems to put
on more girth before it maximizes it’s height.
Average height in CA is thirty feet. So, it's a shorter but much stouter
palm with a very fat base and long, wide leaves. Leaves are fourteen
feet long and usually twelve feet wide or more. By the way, Caryota gigas
has been marketed in the past with such names as
“CaryotaThai Mountain”, “Caryota obtusa”, or
King Kong”. From
most growers, all such purchased plants are synonymous with what we now
agree to call “Caryota gigas”.
Undoubtedly, palm taxonomists will describe new Caryota species
in the future.
Caryota mitis, mentioned above, is a
suckering but much shorter palm than the two above. It can
have many trunks, up to a dozen, with trunk diameters of four to six
inches. Mature plant height is ten to twenty feet. If is
much slower growing than the single trunk varieties.
There are many other species of Caryotas which I'll not
discuss here.
Caryota mitis
Caryota gigas, juvenile but still showing
bipinnate leaf. (click photo to enlarge)
Heights of Single Trunk Fishtail Palms
Caryotas are not the tallest palms in the world, many
species definitely tower overhead and some may get taller than eighty
feet. As a rough estimate, figure your Caryota urens will
get to fifty feet or more, Caryota gigas to thirty feet and C. mitis
to fifteen feet, sometimes taller depending on where you
live. Caryota rumphiana, cummingii, and C. no are shorter than
the aforementioned species.
An interesting observation is that, when
Caryota urens is
grown in more tropical areas, it does not attain the height we see in
Southern California.I have
seen many C. urens rapidly come to blossom in Hawaii with a height
of only about twenty feet.Also,
they are not nearly as beautiful as plants grown here.This seems to suggest that this species likes somewhat cool
weather.In terms of culture,
good soil and ample nutritionhelp
the plants reach their predicted maximum height.Poor culture may result in a runty plant.
Caryota urens blossom
(click photo to enlarge)
Happens to the Tree When It Blossoms?
When blossoming begins, the tree does not
gain any more height and does not put out any new leaves.
The older, lower leaves turn brown and hang downwards.They will remain as such for years, only falling off by pruning or
severe wind.It has also been observed that large
Caryotas that
have been dug and moved will promptly go into premature blossom without
attaining their anticipated height.It
seems that digging triggers the plant into the reproductive phase of
it’s life.
Given the fact
that Caryotas typically grow so rapidly, a consumer would be
ill-advised to purchase a field grown single trunk Caryota.
As they are so fast growing, smaller plants such as a 15 gallon or 24 inch box
will give you a large tree in no time. A local hotel in San
Diego purchased
about eight field dug Caryota urens. At the time, they were
unaware that digging can trigger the demise of the tree. They were planted all
these dug palms in the hotel entryway but within a year or two, all
blossomed and died. The bottom line is not to buy any field grown
and dug Fishtail Palm.
Caryota urens in blossom
Brown-tipping on only the exposed area of a
C. urens leaflet that
pierce through the shade cloth while opening.
(click photo to enlarge)
Leaflet Tip Burning (brown color) on Fishtail Palms
Leaflet tip burning is a phenomena that you'll see on
Caryotas. It
seems to be most apparent on Caryota urens
but all Fishtails can show it.
It's most commonly seen in container grown plants. It happens when
plants are under-watered and in full sun. Also, the containers
(black) getting hot from sun may play a role. It's less apparent in
the garden and can usually be remedied by giving the plant extra water.
Because of this problem, I usually do not recommend Fishtails as a
container grown plant for the home. Also, super hot and bright sun can burn Fishtail leaves,
especially far inland.
The photo to the left shows how
a beautiful C. urens leaf pierced through the shade cloth,
leaving the top half with the brown-tipping and the bottom half
beautiful. The exposed upper leaf shows the burn.
Caryota rumphiana (click photo to enlarge)
Caryota Cold
Tolerance Caryotas urens, ochlandra and
gigas are quite easy to
grow along the Coastal strip. It appears that C. gigas will tolerate temperatures to the
mid to low twenties F. but isn't quite as cold tolerant as C. urens. I had a customer who had severe burn
on his gigas at 22
degrees but the plant recovered. C. urens and ochlandra
will survive
more cold -
into the low twenties F. or even the upper teens. Caryota
ochlandra is very similar to C. urens but shorter, and has dark
colored webbing at the leaf base and on the trunk.Caryota no, mitis, cummingii and
rumphiana are more
sensitive to cold.Caryota mitis is,
at best, at 25 to 26 degree plant. My
Caryota no has
now flowered and died. But, it got to a height of thirty-five feet.
It took temperatures in the mid-thirties F. I'd predict it would have trouble below a freeze.
ophiopellis and
seem to prefer more tropical temperatures and definitely do not tolerate
freezes. They both have interesting banding on the petiole and rachis and
are worth the try if you live in a great area.
Caryota ochlondra,
dark matting
(click photo to enlarge)
Caryota gigas leaf and upper trunk
Water and Fertilizer
Because they are so fast growing,
Caryotas do need an ample amount of
water and fertilizer. Organics are fine. If you use a chemical
fertilizer use a slow release preparation that has micro's and is
formulated "for tropical plants". You'll find most species are very easy to grow.
If you live in a hot inland area, figure you definitely have to give
Fishtails lots of waters or you palm will look scrappy with brown tips.
Also, remember to give them ample room away from the foundation of your house and
anticipate the shade they will create.They are the perfect palm to give your garden an overhead canopy
with it’s resulting protection from cold for other under storyspecies.No other palm
in our locality surpasses the speed of growth of Caryota urens.
Life Span of a Fishtail Palm
I would estimate that the anticipated life span from germination to
browning of the leaves of Caryota urens to be twenty to twenty five
years. Fifteen years would be a short life. Caryota gigas
has a shorter life span here in California. I'd estimate fifteen
years at best before they flower.
Remember, once you see flowers on
Fishtails, you still can enjoy the tree for a few more years while it's
flowering. Caryota mitis doesn't die when one stem flowers. The other
stems live perpetually until they blossom and then new suckers are formed.
Caryota ophiopellis (click photo to enlarge)
urens Trunks
The picture to the right shows a trunk with of a
urens. Note the light color. It also has a minimally
furry, off white surface. If you scratch in your initials on the
trunk, they'll be there forever. So, try to keep your trunk pristine
and pretty when working around it.
Sometimes you'll see vertical cracks or fissures in the
trunks as the tree and trunk get larger, especially if given extra water
and fertilizer. You'll note this on the picture to the right. I think this may be a
result of very rapid growth. In any case,
I have never known these to be a nidus for infection or rot.
So, don't seal them up. Most likely it won't be anything other than
a cosmetic issue.
special comment has to be made about Caryota no.
This species looks like a huge fern in the sky. I will never forget some mature
specimens I saw in Bogor Botanical Gardens in Java. I thought I had
gone to "palm heaven". Their huge lacy leaves made the most
beautiful silhouette in the sky. If you live in a good area, please
give Caryota no a try. And, have fun with all the Caryotas.
Vertical crack in the trunk of
C. urens
(click photo to enlarge)
Leaf of C. gigas
Caryota no
in Bogor Botanical Gardens
(click photo to enlarge)
Monday - Saturday, 9AM - 4PM
Sunday typically closed
Directions to Nursery:
Freeway Close. Take
Freeway 5 to Encinitas
(10 minutes south of Oceanside, 30 minutes north of San Diego).
Exit Leucadia Blvd West (toward ocean).
Immediate left on Orpheus Ave, left on Union St,
Right on Ocean View Ave to Nursery, which is at 450 Ocean View Ave