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Palm Trees >>Palm Tree Help >>Palms As House Plants |
Palms As Houseplants -
IntroductionThis article discusses the usage of palms as houseplants - interior palm trees that do well inside the home or office. Over the past several hundred years, palms have been quite popular as house plants. During previous centuries, when taxonomists would search across great expanses of sea and land for new plant species with economic value, these plants (some of them palms) would be returned to their home institution's conservatory and grown. They were not searching for plants destined to be interior plants per se. But, some proved adaptable and complementary to the home environment and have proven successful as indoor plants. Some did not. Since that time, nurserymen have found, usually through trial and error, which species of palms do well as houseplants. What we've learned over past decades is that , historically , there are three main tried and true genera of palms that do well as houseplants. They are: Howea forsteriana (Kentia Palm), Chamaedorea (Bamboo Palms) species, and Rhapis species (Lady Palms). In previous decades, these three types of palms have been the mainstay for interior palms. However, with more species being grown, we've found that there are other species that will survive indoors just as well as those three groups above. This article will discuss these basic three and varieties of them, but also deal with some more recent introductions that show good promise for interior growth. |
Remember that nature has not provided us with houseplants. Rather, we look for
and give a try with species, hoping that they will survive indoors. If a
given plant does not do well inside, it is not then considered an indoor
plant. If they do survive easily indoors, they become known as a houseplant. However, genetically they were not designed to live indoors. They just happen to tolerate the abuse given when someone takes them from their native environment and sticks them in a living room.
Indoor plants, including palms, may need special attention. The ones
that need the least attention have typically proven to be the most popular
interior plants. |
Therefore, the success of growing a houseplant is to try to reproduce the environment that it would prefer; with palms, this is often high humidity, warm temperatures, and good air circulation. The interior of a home can typically provide the warmth, but the humidity is often lacking because of the use of air conditioning and heaters. Air circulation is usually totally lacking. One can go so far as putting in humidifiers, setting up fans throughout the house, and maintaining a constant warm temperature. With these things properly done, there are probably many species that can be grown in the home environment. But, if you don't want to do all of these things, it is better to stick with some of the basic, tried and true species. Below I have special note on two things that are extremely important to enthusiasts with house plants: water and fertilizer. I receive lots of inquires about both. So do read on with comments about how to handle watering and fertilizer on palm plants.
Howea forsteriana, at nursery Howea forsteriana leaf |
Howea forsteriana, the Kentia Palm
Howea belmoreana - the Belmore or Sentry Palm
Howea forsteriana 5g |
Rhapis excelsa - the Lady Palm
Very sought after are the
variegated varieties, often fetching enormous prices at a nursery.
There are many varieties of these and in some parts of the world they are
highly coveted. There are sometimes near impossible to find.
See photo to left. Rhapis humilis- The Slender Lady Palm
Rhapis species other
Rhapis multifida Shippable Rhapis excelsa 5g size |
Chamaedorea palms are a group of palms that consists of over 200
species. Some are single trunk, others sucker. Some are quite
short while some species get up to about 20 feet. There is a
Chamaedorea species for almost everyone's taste and many do great in
the house. As a group (especially when they sucker)they are known as bamboo palms, but many of them don't look like bamboo at all.
In fact, some have simple, solid leaves and are quite unique in the plant
world. Most have the classic and "palmy" pinnate leaves. Below are some of my favorite.
Chamaedorea seifrizii
Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti
Chamaedorea plumosa
Chamaedorea metallica
Other Chamaedorea
There are many other species of Chamaedorea that can be grown indoors. We are growing over 30 varieties of this genus. Please contact us if you are interested in other types.
As a genera, Chamaedorea are easy to grow if one follows guidelines described below. |
Chambeyronia macrocarpa - the Flame Thrower Palm
About ten to fifteen years ago we discovered that this unique species of palms was an ideal interior plant. It has an equal growth rate as the Howea forsteriana, but is crown shafted and has a newly emerging dark red leaf. Thus, it is an exciting addition to plants that can be grown inside. It has about a six inch thick trunk in a pot, sometimes smaller, and has wide, glossy green leaflets that are very thick.
Caryota mitis - Suckering Fishtail Palm
Sabal species
Other Possible Species
Palms Known to Have Problems as HouseplantsThere are types of palms that do not do well as houseplants, including those that demand full sun (Brahea armata, Bismarkia nobilis, Archontophoenix cumminghaniana (King Palms), Syagrus romanofskiana (Queen Palms) and Ravenea rivularis (Majesty Palm). It is not that someone, somewhere hasn't pulled off growing one of these species indoors. But, in general, they are not optimal. Special mention should be made about the Majesty Palm. It is certainly being marketed heavily as an interior palm. However, there are just too many people who have had trouble with this species. Therefore, we list it as one of the poor choices. Similarly, there are species that have demands of high humidity and/or absence of any cold. They may thrive in a greenhouse, but find difficulties inside the ordinary home. this would include such genera/species as Verschefeltia, most Licualas, Genomonas, Pinangas and Cyrtostachys renda (the red sealing wax palm). In general, because of their need for a more tropical environment, they tend to be poor choices for inside the house.
KEYS TO SUCCESS WITH INTERIOR PALMSThere are key cultural requirements that must be followed on palms as houseplants, but also on almost any interior plant. The first thing is to maintain adequate hydration of the soil without over-watering. This typically means one would water about once a week under most circumstances. Checking the top inch of the soil is helpful in finding out if you need to water. If the soil is dry one inch below the surface, you should water. If it is winter and you have a heater on, it would be best to provide extra humidity. This can be done to some extent by placing potted palms on a platter with damp gravel, or one can mist the leaves several times a day. A room humidifier can be very helpful, although this might lead to mold buildup on the carpets or walls. It is important to pick proper light requirements for your chosen palm. Some palms like bright light, others can tolerate low light. But, most do need some light, either direct or strong reflected light. It is often quoted that "no palm will live in a closet". I think this is absolutely a true statement.
Air circulation is also quite important. Good movement of air tends
to reduce problems with insects. Opening windows is helpful, but
sometimes small circulating fans might be needed. |
SALT BUILDUP IN THE SOILThe most important thing I want to emphasizeThe predictable problem of all house plants including palms is the gradual buildup of salts over time within the soil. Owners typically give the plant several cups of water. In the next week or two, the water evaporates and leaves the natural salts in the water behind in the plant's soil. Think of the inside of your teapot. This is what happens in your soil. As time goes by, salts in the water (calcium, sodium, etc) build up in the soil; this eventually results in too hot of a mix. The plant begins to decline. First one notices brown edges on the leaves. Then the lower leaves brown entirely. Finally there are just a few sick looking leaves left. The treatment for this malady is to take the plant outside and water it ten to fifteen times. This leaches out all the salts. While outside, spray down the foliage. When the plant has drained all the water, bring it back indoors. Typically, I recommend leaching interior palms about three times a year. If one only waters with distilled water, this problem can be avoided to some extent. However, fertilizers do cause salt buildup as well. If you cannot take the plant outdoors and if it is not too big, give it a long shower in your bathroom. |
Chamaedorea woodsonian, great for inside Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Kentia Palm |
Regarding fertilizers, most people prefer soluble fertilizers for houseplants. If using these, it is best to go on the dilute side. In other words, give less than recommended. Giving more leads to problems. Always follow the directions on the product you buy. If you havent leached your plant for a while, perhaps it is best to wait until after leaching before you fertilize. A timed-release fertilizer can work for houseplants as well. Never fertilize a plant with dry soil. And, remember the most important rule: too little fertilizer results in a slow growing plant; too much kills it!
COMMENTS ABOUT SPECIAL INTERIOR AREAS AND SOLARIUMSSome enthusiasts have created a special environment for growing palms or other plants inside. This may include an attached greenhouse or similar structure, a constructed solarium, a "pool room", or a planter area with skylights. Such specialized areas often have humidity and temperature controls. This dramatically increases the number of species that can be grown. Sometimes this can be accomplished with a covered courtyard. The same applies with commercial buildings or lobbies. The two pictures to either side show the results of creating such an environment.
ALTERNATIVES TO PALMS IN INTERIOR LOCATIONSThere are certainly many types of plants that can be grown inside a home or office. People enjoy palm trees because there are so many species and they as a group have such a diversity in appearance. But, we realize other things make wonderful houseplants. As Jungle Music is also a cycad nursery with lots of experience with cycads, I wanted to mention the usage of cycads inside the home. It is an alternative to palms, and many species with many different forms and appearance can be grown inside. As a group, these Jurassic plants like bright sun. Some will tolerate less light. They don't like to be overwatered. Most also don't get as tall as many palms. The pictures to either side show usage of cycads in a home solarium located on the East Coast of the U.S. Cycads have a very architectural appearance and are quite primitive appearing. Mention should be made that cycads can be toxic if eaten by animals.
SUMMARYIf you love a certain species of palm, it is possible that you might succeed with that species inside your house. You may not. Nothing seems to have the appeal of a palm, so it may be worth the try. If you grow the species recommended above, you should succeed. Your success depends on what environment you create. If your thumb is on the brown side, it is best to stick to the tried and true species above. They are quite easy to grow. If you are a good grower, be courageous and give some new species a try. Mention has been made of special growing environments that increases the number of species you can grow. A predictable yet avoidable problem on all interior plants is the gradual buildup of salt in the soil. As an alternative or in addition to palms, consider cycads or other tropical plants inside the house. These groups of plants are very impressive. Our nursery does mail order palms as well as other exotic plants, so you too can have fun with indoor plants. Check elsewhere in the website for ideas. To mail order, just call us. And, have fun and good luck!
RECENT PLANT ARRIVALS AT THE NURSERY This Blog is updated ever day or two and has photographs of new arrivals and plants of interest. Also, from time to time, specials are mentioned. It's fun and easy to read.
Chambeyronia macrocarpa, 15g for inside Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Gorgeous Rhapis multifida Alocasia species |
Chamaedorea stolinifera |
Phil Bergman |
Chambeyronia new red leaf |
PHONE: 619 291 4605 Email: phil@junglemusic.net