This article will attempt to educate the reader about the present classification and status of many species of palm trees from Madagascar. A lot has changed in the past twenty years. And,
undoubtedly, after I write this names will continue to change. thus,
what I'm presenting below may no longer be accurate when you read this.
But, with descriptions below and photos, I trust that the reader will learn about these amazing palm species from the unique Island of Madagascar.
you will find brief notes created in 1998 on various Madagascar Palm
species. It includes "names" of palms as we knew them at the time or
have come to know them. In 2002 and again in 2010 we have attempted to update this
information. The taxonomic data has been derived from Palms of Madagascar by
J. Dransfield, et. al. Comments about culture are from our
experience or what we've learned from others. Notes on cold
tolerance are meant as a general guide only and references to "our
weather" apply to coastal Southern California weather. In
recent years some information has changed and we will try to update this
as time goes by.
One must realize that information about the palms in Madagascar has
changed over time. For instance, many "species" may become
"complexes". There appear to be multiple forms of such plants like
Dypsis decipiens, Dypsis baronii and Dypsis onilahensis. You may have
a plant in your garden that looks different than a photograph of that same
species published on the Net or in a book. This could be a different
form or variety, or perhaps you have a different species altogether.
Additionally, new species have been discovered. In summary, realize
that the taxonomy is in a state of flux and things are changing year by
year. What we
know and call things as of today may be different tomorrow.
madagascariensis and others.
There are presently three forms of this species, one with "windows" in the juvenile
foliage, the other without "windows". The last and
most recent species is Beccariophoenix alfredii, the most cold
tolerant species. The true "madagascariensis", is
the one with no windows. The windows variety is now called
Beccariophoenix fenestralis. All species are single
trunk,large palms.
The window form is a relatively quick grower where as the windowless
form is slower. The windowless species may be easier to grow and more
hardy to sun and cold. All species, especially the window
form, need lots of iron and microelements or they get very yellow leaves.
Cold hardiness about to freezing temperatures. Recent update:
A new species, Beccariphoenix alfredii, has been described and is
proving to be a great palm for Southern California. Some are even
trying to grow it in the SF Bay area.
nobilis There
are green
and silver forms of this palm. People tend to like the silver form better.
Bismarckias make large, full sun
palms. they are easy to germinate and are a good grower, though
they do not transplant well; be careful with the
roots. It is a deep radicle germinator. It will tolerate
lower temperatures when larger, probably in the mid twenties. This palm will
certainly be a conversation piece as it is quite beautiful.
Dypsis affinis
affinis This is a small
suckering palm that is similar in appearance to Dypsis baronii. It
has an attractive white crown shaft and will tolerate full costal
sun. Where as the cold tolerance is not yet known, it should be a
good palm for Southern California. This palm would be ideal for
small areas where filler palms are needed.
This is a
very attractive suckering palm which has a lot of color and strikingly
white petioles.
This is a beautiful, medium sized, solitary palm, though there are reports of suckering
types of palm trees.
This palm is a fast grower and prefers full sun in most Southern California
environments. There is speculation that what nurserymen have domestically
grown may not be the
"true" Dypsis ambositrae. As a juvenile, the
crown shaft and upper trunk have interesting
dark colors with white speckling. As a mature specimen this palm has
a white crown shaft with thin green recurving leaves and a green trunk. Cold tolerance appears to be in the mid to upper twenties.
This is an understory
palm. It is a small colorful palm with clumping, fluffy leaflets and
multiple thin trunks. Cold tolerance
is not yet known, but
probably low thirties. A prominence of speckling on a yellow/green
crown shaft.
Very cute.
Dypsis ankaizinensis
ankaizinensis solitary,
medium sized, nice silvery crown with dark speckles. This palm has
clustering pendulous leaves with mature foliage and is a slow grower. This
palm is a good grower in So Cal
arenarium Had several times;
medium sized suckering palm. It's similar to Dypsis lutescens except
that it holds fewer more robust leaves, not sure on cold tolerance.
Suckering, medium sized; red colors when small, later white-silver
or green trunk. This is a great for So Cal. It requires AM sun or filtered light.
Dypsis baronii appears to get to
about 15 or 20 feet. There are color variations in juvenile
plants. It is a very
desirable tree for Southern California. Seems to tolerate near
freezing, perhaps colder.
This is a rare and graceful palm. It is a small, solitary trunk
palm. The crown is adorned with a white waxy color and it has curved leaves; shows promise.
bejofo This is a massive
and stunning solitary palm, up to 50 feet trunk. It is slow growing
and likes sun; good for So Cal. It has "brain" appearing
seeds and root that are stripped like a tiger. In 2002
they are really hard to find in So Cal. nurseries. In warmer
habitats like Florida or Queensland, they are knockout beautiful! One
of my favorite types of palm trees.
This palm is small to
medium and can sucker. It has a lot of color, i.e., white, gray and
black. It has wide fairly wide, dark green leaflets for its
size. Cold status unknown, probably low thirties.
brevicaulis This is a trunk less understory palm. It has a long
undivided leaf. Cold status unknown, probably low thirties.
brevinodus Somewhat slow growing; does well outdoors; little data on mature
cabadae Suckering;
won’t take a freeze, slow growing; likes AM sun or full sun; has nice
green/silver in the trunk and silver, black and green in the crown; perhaps not from Madagascar. D. baronii is probably a better selection.
catatiana This
understory palm can have solid or pinnate leaves; it can be either
solitary or clustering; it makes a handsome addition to any garden; no cold data yet.
possible Dypsis ceracea
ceracea This is a large solitary palm. It is a slow grower and
resembles Dypsis bejofo; it has a pink emergent leaf and makes a beautiful
canopy palm. Takes low 30ºs. OK for
coastal areas So Cal.
"compactus" Possibly
a variety of Dypsis lutescens, this palm has nice color and suckers
minimally (3-6 trunks approx.). It has longer leaves and more robust
trunks than a Dypsis lutescens. It will take low 30ºs and likes
strong filtered light or sun. It is a great palm for So Ca.
concinna True
to its name (concinna is Latin for "neat" or
"pretty") this palm is quite attractive. It is a solitary
or clustering palm with a nice array or colors. It is a decent
growing understory palm. Cold status is unknown, should take mid
30ºs. Would make a nice addition to a garden in a protected spot.
Dypsis crinita
This is a beautiful medium to large palm. It has a fibrous crown,
branches and has a new red emergent leaf. It is a fast grower and
will take low 30ºs. It is a great palm for So Ca.
This palm is commonly known as the
"triangle palm". It is a fast grower and loves the sun (it
will die if it is kept in too much shade). It has lots of color and
a triangular crown shaft. This palm will take upper 20ºs,
but will probably burn. Keep this plant dry when it is cold; this
plant likes to be on the dry side in a sandy soil. This plant will
not transplant well and is therefore a poor choice for commercial field
growing. Great for inland and coastal So
This is a gorgeous clustering silver palm. It is a slow grower but
like a lot of sun and will take a lot of cold, upper 20ºs.
This palm can either have a keeled ("V" shaped) leaf or it can
have a plumose leaf. This palm is a “must have” for So
eriostachys This
is a slender, solitary understory palm. It bears a thick red/brown
tomentum and has an entire leaf. It is an attractive palm, good for
shaded/protected areas. Cold status is unknown.
faneva Clustering, small
to medium sized; understory; cold status unknown
; very rare and very desirable.
This is a small branching or solitary palm. It has a fibrous trunk
and a purple/red emergent leaf. It is a moderate grower, but will
take filtered light or sun along the coast. Should take mid to low
30ºs. OK
for So Cal.
Dypsis florencei
florencei This is a gorgeous
multi-colored palm. It can be both solitary or clustering. The
trunk is adorned with a "candy stripping" of red, white and
black. It seems to
tolerate mid 30ºs at least. A must have. A freeze will
probably kill this species. Try to
get one before you can't.
gracilis is synonymous with Dypsis
pinnatifrons. It is an understory,
solitary palm .
It has short, grouped, curly leaflets and has a nice green trunk that can
bear brownish/black speckling. Cold hardy to low 30ºs.
gracilis wide leaf Similar
to above with larger leaflets.
heterophylla This
is a small suckering (or sometimes single trunked) palm. Flowers and
seeds as a very small plant. This palm has thin green trunks with
black speckling. Good for a small
filtered light spot in the garden. Cold tolerance probably to low
hildebrandtii This
is a beautiful clustering (or solitary) palm. It is an understory
palm, rarely reaching above 5-6 feet. It has a solid, or
occasionally divided leaflet. The crown and trunk bear reddish/brown
fuzz. Overall it is a very nice plant. It like filtered light
and should take low 30ºs.
hovomantsina This
is a gorgeous mid-sized palm (20-30 feet). It has a waxy silver/white
crown with reddish fur at the top. It has long, dark grey/green,
plumose leaves. This palm is a slow grower and would like to be in
sun along the coast. Cold tolerance not yet known, but it should
take the low 30ºs.
integra This palm is quite
a beautiful Madagascar palm. It has an entire leaf, which is rounded at the
ends. It has nice color (red, white and green) and is a moderate
grower (can reach up to 6 feet). Cold tolerance is not yet known,
but it is quite rare and sought after (is worth a try).
jumelleana This is a medium
sized clustering palm. It has thin green trunk and prefers filtered or
morning sun. Slow to moderate grower. Cold tolerance not
sp. "kingali" This
palm is a knock-out.
It is a fast growing, medium sized palm. 2002 update, all people
have been very pleased with the speed of growth and beauty of this palm
love it). It will take the high 20ºs (28-29) without problems.
lanceolata This is a very
beautiful palm. It is one of the nicest clustering palms
available. It has very nice color and broad leaflets. It is a
moderate grower and prefers partial sun or morning sun along the
coast. Should be a good grower for Southern California.
lastelliana This
palm is very nice. It has long drooping leaflets and the petioles
weep toward the trunk. It has a thick red/brown fur. It is
quite similar to the "teddy bear" palm (Dypsis leptocheilos, see
but it is slower and is more difficult to grow. Will take the low 30°s.
This is one of the most beautiful palms of Madagascar. It is a
medium sized palm that takes full sun along the coast. It has a
reddish/brown fuzzy crown (which is why it has the nick-name "teddy
bear palm") and a very nice silver/green trunk with white
rings. In my opinion this is a must in a palm garden. Will
take low 30°s.
leptocheilos x decaryi This is a nice palm. It is a medium sized palm which prefers
full sun. It looks like a fuzzy (reddish/brown) Dypsis decaryi
(triangle palm). This palm should be a good grower for Southern
California. Cold tolerance unknown at this time (probably 30°s).
leptocheilos, triangular. crown shaft This
is an unknown species at this point. The trunk shape is triangular
like the Dypsis decaryi with reddish/brown fuzz; the leaves and trunk bear
a lot of similarities to Dypsis leptocheilos. This palm more
resembles a "teddy bear" than the Dypsis leptocheilos x decaryi
hybrid. This palm is worth a try. Cold tolerance is unknown
(probably 30°s).
lutea This
is a very rare dwarf palm. It can be both solitary or
clustering. It has light green, large undivided leaves and a thin
trunk(s). Very nice and very desirable. It worth a try if you
can find it. Cold tolerance is not known.
lutescens This is one of the
more common Madagascar species. It is a multiple trunked, medium
sized palm. It has a lot of color, i.e., white, yellow and some
black/brown speckling to the trunk. Dypsis lutescens is a moderate
grower and will do well in Southern California. This palm would like
to be in full sun or partial sun. Cold tolerance is in the low 30°s
to upper 20°s.
This is a medium sized solitary or clustering palm. It has a plumose
leaf and nice color (blue-green, white and some black) to the crown.
It is a moderate to fast grower and likes to be in full sun. A great
palm for gardens in Southern California. Cold tolerance is in the 30°s. (Synonymous with Dypsis
“mahajanga” This is a medium sized suckering palm. It is a moderate to
fast grower and likes partial to full sun. It has nice color and its
trunks are of medium caliper. Should be a good palm for most areas
in Southern California.
This is a phenomenal solitary palm. It is a large tristichous palm
with plumose leaves. It has a thick dark green leaves with black striations
(known as "mealy bug") on the petiole. This palm likes to
be in partial to full sun. This is a great palm for Southern
California; it is a slow grower, but is well worth the wait. Cold
tolerance should be in the mid to low 30°s.
manjatoNew undescribed species; little data (slow grower).
This is a very nice solitary or clustering understory palm. It has
dark green leaves and black/reddish-brown tomentum on the trunk(s).
It is a moderate grower. Would be a nice addition to any shady spot
in your garden. Should take low 30°s.
Unusual species, probably something else; described as a real collector item;
should be a good plant for Southern California
moorei This
is a massive, litter trapping understory palm. This is an untidy
palm as it holds on to old leaf bases and tends to be a magnet for falling
debris. Slow grower. Should take low to mid 30°s.
nodifera This is a great
solitary palm. It bears a lot of color in the crown and trunk:
black, brown, green and white. The leaflets and fat and cluster in
groups along the petiole. This plant likes shade or morning sun
(along the coast). It has a thin trunk and looks very nice when it
is planted in groups of 2 or more. A great grower (very fast) for
Southern California. Cold tolerance is low 30°s to upper 20°s.
onilahensis This is a medium, clustering (sometimes solitary) palm. This
is one of the more cold hearty and beautiful suckering palms from
Madagascar, though it is a slow grower to begin with. It has keeled
dark green leaves and a waxy white crown. It prefers to be grown in
full sun. A must have for the garden. Cold tolerance upper to
mid 20°s.
Dypsis pembana by AB
This is a tall, solitary (rare)
palm from Tanzania
and Pemba Island. This is a knock-out palm. It has medium sized,
slightly arching dark green leaves. It thin green trunk with white
growth rings. It is a moderate to fast grower. It is a great
palm for Southern California. Cold tolerance is 30°s.
This is a medium sized, solitary palm with a massive trunk. It is a
pretty palm, though litter trapping, with reddish (tomentose)
flowers. It is a slow grower, but is definitely worth a try here in
Southern California. Cold tolerance is not known, but it should take
mid 30°s.
pinnatifrons This is a nice medium sized, solitary palm. It is quite
similar to Dypsis nodifera. It does not like too much heat, and
looks it best when grown in a shady environment (possibly some morning
sun). It is a moderate to fast grower and is a good choice along the
cost. Cold tolerance is low to mid 30°s.
Dypsis psammophila
psammophila Small suckering palm. It is similar to Dypsis
though it has smaller, thinner trunks. It partial to full sun (along
the coast). It is worth a try. Cold tolerance not know,
probably mid to low 30°s.
Dypsis prestoniana TS at RPS
prestoniana This is a great, solitary palm. It is medium to large sized with a
medium sized, green trunk (10 inches or so). It has long plumose,
arching leaves. It is a very beautiful and elegant palm. It
likes to be grown in partial sun or full sun along the coast. It is definitely
needed in a sophisticated garden. Cold tolerance in the 30°s.
This is a nice clustering palm. It is small to medium sized with
entire leaflets. It has a lot of greens, blacks and browns.
Makes a great filler plant for those little shady areas in your
garden. It's definitely worth a try in Southern California.
Cold tolerance in the low 30°s.
This is a very cute dwarf palm. It is the smallest of the vonitra
(now Dypsis) family. It is fairly fast considering its mature height
and has a very nice reddish-purple emergent leaf. It has a fibrous crown and
can be either solitary or branching. This palm is definitely worth a
try. Cold hardy from mid to low 30°s.
rivularis This is a medium sized, solitary palm. It is a crown shafted
palm with stilt roots and clustered leaflets. It is a nice palm but
tends to be messy and litter trapping. It is a moderate grower and
should do fine in warmer/coastal parts of Southern California.
saintelucei This
palm is a true gem. It is a medium sized, solitary palm. It
has long, arching, elegant petioles that are blackish/brown in
color. Its leaves are keeled and are dark green with a slight blue
tinge on the under side. The crown is a silver/white with a
black/green trunk that has white growth rings. It is a must have in
the garden. It likes full sun and is a moderate to (fairly) fast
grower. Cold tolerance not yet known.
sanbiranensis This is a very nice solitary palm. It has a rusty brown color
petiole with some dark speckling and long, thick, green leaflets. It
is a moderate grower and prefers partial sun or possibly more along the
coast when young, it can grow into full sun. It makes a medium to
large palm. Cold hardy to low 30°s to upper 20°s.
This is a small, clustering understory palm from Isle Sainte Marie (near
Madagascar). It has entire leaves and tends to be litter
trapping. It has a brownish crown and some red to the
petioles. It is a nice palm, and is worth trying in Southern
California. Cold tolerance mid-low 30º.
This is a colorful, understory palm. This
palm has lots of color: black, whit, green and some grey. It is a
slow grower, but is worth the wait. It has Chamaedorea like features
and prefers a shady environment. Should be a good palm for coastal
California. Cold tolerance mid-low 30º.
This is a magnificent medium sized suckering palm. The palm has
great color and the leaflets are clustered along the petiole. It
should be a great plant for Southern California. Growth is slow to
medium and cold tolerance is mid-low 30º.
sp. "96pn2"Un-named species; tolerates full sun; cold hardy.
sp. "Bresy" Medium
growth rate; OK for So Cal; controversy over adult appearance. May
be similar to Dypsis hovomantsina.
sp. “laffa”
One of the original "unusual" Dysis. This palm has a white
petiole and is subterranean for a long time. It has fat, glossy,
green leaflets; new emergent leaves are a pink or red color. Dypsis
sp. laffa is similar to Dypsis ceracea. Should be ok for Southern
sp. "rare, cult. Hawaii” Also known as Dypsis sp. "carlsmithii." This is a
large palm with nice color; it has a green trunk with white rings and a
brilliant orange color crown. Although this palm does become large
it is a slow grower. It prefers full sun and should take into the
low 30º.
sp. "triangular lastelliana"
This palm is quite beautiful. This hybrid takes on some of the best
characteristics of both palms. It is robust and has a triangular
crown shaft like the Dypsis decaryi and has long flat leaflets and a red
tomentum on the crown like the Dypsis
lastelliana. This palm is a
moderate grower and wants full sun. It should be a good palm for
Southern California. Cold tolerance low 30º.
sp. Broad
leaf Madagascarnear entire leaf; understory;
no data on cold.
sp. entire new leafDitto.
sp. like teddy x decaryi
This palm is very nice. This hybrid has characteristics of both
palms; it is robust and has a triangular crown shaft like the Dypsis
decaryi and it has red tomentum on the crown like the Dypsis
This palm is slow to medium grower and wants full sun along the
coast. It should be a good palm for Southern California. Cold
tolerance low 30º.
sp. pink crown shaft Previously know as Noephloga sp. "pink crown shaft", this
palm is a very colorful and desirable understory palm. This palm has
a distinctly pink crown and fat clustering leaflets. It is great for
shady areas in your yard or possible as a house plant. It should be
a good palm for Southern California, cold tolerance probably mid 30This
palm is quite beautiful. This hybrid takes on some of the best
characteristics of both palms. It is robust and has a triangular
crown shaft like the Dypsis decaryi and has long flat leaflets and a red
tomentum on the crown like the Dypsis
lastelliana. This palm is a
moderate grower and wants full sun. It should be a good palm for
Southern California. Cold tolerance low 30º.
sp. rudatichaNo good data on this palm.
sp. sim. to forcifoliaUnknown species; no data.
sp. S.C.Little data, probably cold hardy.
sp. mt. type AUnknown
species; cold hardy; never seen an adult plant.
sp. suckering type BUnknown species; cold hardy.
Dypsis thouarsiana
This will make a large pinnate palm. It is slow growing, likes sun and water. There is not much data on this palm. With probably be like growing
Dypsis ceracea. No cold hardy information.
large solitary palm , worth acquiring, beautiful large crown; should grow
halleuxii The
“red lemur”; red new leaf with black petiole; will get large; great
palm; will take low 30ºs;start
in filtered lighthard to germinate; one of the best Madagascar palms.
Solitary, medium sized, glaucous underside leaves; insufficient cold data.
More recently we've gotten feedback that this palm takes full sun well,
even in inland areas, and is cold hardy to at least the mid-twenties
hildebrandtii Small, “miniature” Ravenea; thin trunk to usually 10 - 15 feet
only; sun; good for So Cal. More recent feedback is that, even
though it's a short palm, it is a good grower and everyone loves it.
Solitary, medium sized, thin trunk, curved leaves, cold data not
available yet, hopeful.
Tall robust solitary palm; sun; should do well in So Cal.
Medium solitary; stepped trunk; no cold data yet.
rivularis Large palm, “majesty”; big trunk; needs microelements or
yellows; fast; good for So Cal. However, poor choice for locations
immediately along the beach. Can develop a type of crown problem
with distorted, malformed leaves..